Social media
One of the fastest means of getting information to our students, families and community is through social media. We share school schedule changes and emergency information on our Facebook page.
District website
In the event of a change in school schedule due to inclement weather or an emergency, an alert message will appear at the top of the district and school websites when you first open the website. Additional information about the situation may be posted in “News” bottom of the district website Home page.
Automated phone calling system
We use an automated phone calling system called SchoolMessenger Connect to send robocalls to our families to quickly notify them of emergencies or weather-related events. You may identify which numbers you want called in Skyward FamilyAccess.
Text messages
Families also have the option to receive text message notifications in the event of an emergency or school schedule change as the result of inclement weather. To sign up to receive text messages, visit Skyward FamilyAccess.
Email notification
We will email families in the event of an emergency or school schedule change. Depending on the severity or time-sensitive nature of the situation, we may also call or text the numbers you have on file in Skyward FamilyAccess.
Radio and television stations
Some local radio and television stations will have information available regarding weather-related delays, school closures, and developing emergency situations. These include:
Many factors impact our decision to close or delay school. The safety of our entire student body is our priority. Because our district covers a very geographically diverse area, some families may experience dangerous weather conditions (e.g., ice, flooding) while others don’t. Staff drive across the district in the early hours of the morning to determine if all routes are safe for student transport.
Two-hour late start
The terms “two-hour late start” and “two-hour delay” may be used interchangeably. Buses and schools are two hours late.
What you can expect during a two-hour delay:
Other program-specific information will be shared in district communications, including whether buses will run on emergency routes.
School cancellation
Schools are closed for the day(s) specified in district or school communications. We will share information about specific afterschool and evening programs in our communication with families and the community.
Emergency routes
On rare occasions, weather conditions may make it necessary to modify bus routes. When that occurs, the school and district offices will send out alerts via SchoolMessenger, the website, Facebook, Twitter, text, and email as soon as possible. The modified routes will be posted on the website on our Transportation webpage.
Weather conditions may cause schools to close early. In that event, the normal busing sequence will be followed. Please instruct your child what to do should there be an early school closure when you are not home during the regular school day. Please remind students to be especially careful when walking or waiting for a bus during bad weather.